"Only you can change your life, no one else can do it for you"

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People confuse fitness with real life. In their minds, a really fit person is the one with the 20" bicep, the rock hard 8 pack abs, however, in reality, fitness is something way more than just the vanity of the mirror. It how you feel inside, your confidence, your ability to see through the bullshit of the negative people around you. In short, your overall way of life. And that's what we at Devoted along with Nitish are trying to promote here.
Top bodybuilders & fitness influencers like Nitish who have exceptional physiques don't think the gym as just a place to get big, it's their escape from real life, a place where they can hear themselves think, work through all the issues in their life & be a part of a community that's bigger than themselves, a community where people get together to work hard, sweat and become better than who they were yesterday. The Gym is something they love & would never give up in their life. And that's what it's all about, loving what you do.
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