"We all started somewhere."

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- Influencer -
- Physique Model -
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- Influencer -
- Physique Model -
5 years! It sounds like a lot of time, however, that time can pass away pretty quickly if you have a passion for what you're doing, and thats what we at Devoted are all about! And thus today, we're proud to say that we have officially collaborated with Nikhil, our newest Athlete at Devoted & are extremely proud to have him in our family.
Now, a few words by the man himself:-
"I entered the gym with one simple goal in mind, to live a healthier & fitter life. I never had the thought of building an amazing physique. But as I kept working out again & again, I slowly fell in love with the burn, and that's how the ambition of the ultimate physique come into my mind! And then I set forth into this journey of achieving this goal!
Today, my physique is still under development(it always will be :D), but I'm proud of what I have achieved in these 5 years.
In this half-decade, I have learnt a lot. Many people have pulled scams on me, sold me duplicate products, given me bad advice that had at many times almost resulted in an injury! However, with experience, I know better now, and I wish to continue to do this, till the end of time."
Check him out on social:-

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